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Additional function examinations are performed for a complete diagnosis. These indicate the energy state as well as the regulatory capacity of the organism. Besides the usual traditional medical diagnosis, which mainly consists of statistical research and insufficiently takes into account the dynamic functional processes of the organism, a 4-point diagnosis is performed. This consists of:

  1. Main Symptom,
  2. Constitution,
  3. Permanent Stress Burdens,
  4. Trigger

The main symptom corresponds to the traditional medical diagnosis and serves as therapy efficiency check. Here no treatment is performed, but just observation takes place.

The constitution provides essential indications about susceptibility for certain illnesses and the healing process to be expected.

Under permanent stress the total burden on the organism is grouped: emotional stress, environmental toxins, vaccination stress, not fully healed viral or bacteriological infections, chronic inflammation centres, etc.


The trigger is the apparent external cause of the illness. It should not be confused with the real cause (the different factors of constant stress).

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